Monday, August 8, 2011

Nero con Fonduta e Tartufo Nero at Fiorintino

Yep, I’ve posted pics (and that does mean more than one) of the Nero con Fonduta e Tartufo Nero served up with relish at Sansepulcro’s beloved Ristorante Fiorentino. But you know, a dish this good (black risotto, black truffles, and a rich cheese fondue) can’t have too many pictures:
I feel a bit awkward admitting this, but just looking at the picture makes me salivate. Get me to a plane!

*See all Italian restaurants

*Note: We were on pre-tirement, and now we’re back. Want the full story? Start the pre-tirement journey here. Want to go backwards? Read the last pre-tired post here and scroll back. Or, just keep coming back for pretty Italy pictures.

1 comment:

  1. There is absolutely no way to make this look even 1/2 as good as in real life. WHy aren't we there?
